Deployment of BECCUS value chain – Synthesis Report

Feb 2023

Deployment of BECCUS value chain

– From concept to commercialization Synthesis Report

– Synthesis Report –

Over the duration of the 2019-2021 IEA Bioenergy triennium, a consortium of IEA Bioenergy
Tasks – Task 36, Task 40, Task 44 and Task 45 – collaborated on an inter-task project called
Deployment of BECCUS value chains. The objective of the project was to improve the
understanding of the opportunities for, and obstacles to, deployment of bioenergy combined
with carbon capture and utilization or permanent storage (BECCUS).

The ambition of the project was to cut across a broad set of factors that together determine
successful deployment. This has included analysis of techno-economic fundamentals and
technology readiness, but also business model viability as well as design of appropriate policy
and regulatory frameworks. Project components can be classified as belonging to one of two
categories, with studies on the one hand looking into cross-industrial and conceptual aspects
(system studies) and the on the other hand being industry case studies or deep-dives. All in all,
seven publications have been produced as project outputs. This report includes a summary and
a synthesis of these individual studies, as well as a discussion and an outlook into questions to
be further explored in future research.

The project findings show that, while much of the technology necessary is proven to a great
extent, more research and development is needed to find business models for on-the-ground
deployment that make the most sense from a techno-economic standpoint when applying CCS
(carbon capture and storage) and CCU (carbon capture and utilization) respectively. This
includes aspects such as specific designs and technology selection (for example, for CO2
capture), deployment scales, and site location selection. Furthermore, there are still
unanswered questions related to policy design and business models. While some of these issues
are evaluated and discussed in this report, several additional questions have arisen during the
project and need to be addressed.

Now you can read the full report here: Synthesis-BECCUS-1.0-report_final_update

More case studies and reports available here.