
  • Karlsruhe: IEA Task 36-/BREF AG3 Meeting

    Jun 2016

    This workshop 10-12 March 2014, held in association with the German BREF Working group on Efficiency of energy from waste, discussed the opportunities to improve the energy efficiency of energy from waste plants, the costs involved and barriers to achieving further efficiencies.

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  • Workshop: Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste

    Jun 2016

    Proceedings of Workshop, Stockholm 8th May 2013 This workshop was designed to update Task 36 on relevant developments on anaerobic digestion and to investigate the areas where there are synergies in the two areas, where the work of Task 37 might overlap with the work of Task 36 and where there could be useful joint […]

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  • Workshop: Which future for the SRF Market?

    Jun 2016

    Workshop in Milan, Italy, 20th November 2013 This workshop reported on end of waste for solid recovered fuels, the results to the European Recombio project on preparation and combustion of solid recovered fuel and experience with the use of solid recovered fuel in Italy.

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  • Task 36: Final Reports for 2010-2112

    Jun 2016

    Task 36: Integrating Energy Recovery into Solid Waste Management Final Task Report, Triennium 2010-2012

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  • Country Reports

    Jun 2016 read more
  • End of Triennium Conference, November 2012

    Jun 2016

    Publications from End of Triennium Conference, November 2012.

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  • Workshop on Processing routes for Solid Recovered Fuels

    Jun 2016

    Workshop on Processing routes for Solid Recovered Fuels, Dublin, 20 October, 2011. IEA Bioenergy Task 36 and Task 32 have jointly organised a workshop and field trip in Dublin to discuss the market opportunities for Solid Recovered Fuels. The presentations may be downloaded below:

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  • End of Task Report 2007-2009

    Jun 2016

    IEA Bioenergy Accomplishments from IEA Bioenergy Task 36: Integrating Energy Recovery into Solid Waste Management Systems (2007-2009).

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  • End of Task Report 2004-2006

    Jun 2016

    IEA Bioenergy Task 36: Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste (2004 – 2006) Notice The work described in this report was carried out as part of IEA Bioenergy Task 36: Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste (2004-2006). The opinions and conclusions expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect […]

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