{"id":9,"date":"2013-09-06T14:34:21","date_gmt":"2013-09-06T14:34:21","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/ieabioenergy.loc\/?page_id=9"},"modified":"2022-08-31T13:37:13","modified_gmt":"2022-08-31T13:37:13","slug":"events","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/task36.ieabioenergy.com\/events\/","title":{"rendered":"Events"},"content":{"rendered":" \r\n\r\n

Past events<\/h4> \r\n\t\t\t




Sustainability Series Workshop on Food Waste – 18th October<\/p>\r\n

Dublin and Online<\/p>

Sustainability Series Workshop on Food Waste A participatory workshop to inform and engage participants in a discussion about sustainability and food waste. In some places such as South Africa, the US and Ireland, there is still a poor public perception of Energy-from-Waste. Lack of transparency during the decision-making process or not inviting residents and stakeholders […]<\/p> \r\n

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19th International Symposium on Waste Management, Resource Recovery and Sustainable Landfilling – 9-13 October 2023 in Italy<\/p>\r\n

Cagliari, Italy<\/p>

    Sardinia Symposium is a biennial event organized by IWWG – International Waste Working Group since 1987, which usually gathers more than 700 participants from all around the world, with over 400 papers presented at each edition, making the Sardinia Symposium the most important solid waste management conference in the world. The programme of […]<\/p> \r\n

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Workshop: Biomass combustion and CCUS<\/p>\r\n


Workshop organized by IEA Bioenergy Task 32 (Biomass combustion) Timing: Thursday 21 September 2023, 13:00 \u2013 17:00 CEST Concept: Hybrid workshop \u2013\u00a0 Speakers present in Copenhagen and online, audience online Admission: Free Please register\u00a0here Bioenergy combined with carbon capture and utilisation or storage, also known as BECCUS is a concept that has been discussed in […]<\/p> \r\n

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Regional Sustainability Workshop Series: North America – Organic and Plastic Waste Resource and Energy Recovery<\/p>\r\n


IEA Bioenergy Task 36 (Material and Energy valorisation of waste in a Circular Economy) has hosted its second regional workshop on sustainability indicators pertaining to waste resource and energy recovery. The purpose of this workshop is to convene experts on the various pillars of sustainability and how the priorities of North American projects compare elsewhere […]<\/p> \r\n

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Join us for a series workshop about Decarbonization of the Waste Sector from a global perspective<\/p>\r\n

Are you interested in Decarbonization of the Waste Sector and want to learn more from a global perspective? do you want to participate in a discussion about Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment in the waste sector? Join us for the series of workshops and round tables discussions that\u00a0IEA Bioenergy Technology Collaboration Programme\u00a0Task 36,\u00a0University of KwaZulu-Natal, SARCHI […]<\/p> \r\n

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IEA Bioenergy Webinar \u2013 Circular economy, energy recovery from waste, and emerging pathways<\/p>\r\n


Presented by   Presenter: Daniel Roberts, CSIRO, Australia Q&A Moderator: Inge Johansson, RI.SE, Sweden IEA Bioenergy Task 36 (Waste) organized a webinar on circular approach to waste management in the context of energy recovery, and the role of emerging technology pathways. As Circular Economy principles become embedded in the policies of governments and the strategies […]<\/p> \r\n

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Webinar: Valorisation of fly ash from Waste-to-Energy<\/p>\r\n


IEA Bioenergy Task 36 invites you to participate in a free international technical webinar entitled \u201cValorisation of fly ash from Waste-to-Energy\u201d. The webinar includes presenters from a number of fly ash treatment technologies either commercially available or under development in Europe. In addition, the webinar will give an overview of the fly ash handling in […]<\/p> \r\n

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Join us for the Webinar Trends and Drivers in Alternative Thermal Conversion of Waste -16th September<\/p>\r\n


Registration Link: https:\/\/us02web.zoom.us\/webinar\/register\/WN_dEWx78azRpW6h0NxeTtfjQ  <\/p> \r\n

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